Wednesday, February 17, 2010

tender mercies

My mother in law called this morning and asked if I could arrange things so we could go to lunch and maybe the bookstore afterward to browse around. I have been married 11 1/2 years and we have never done that before today-- we have been missing out. I'm sure that part of this invite comes after years of begrudging my husband's numerous "business" lunches and "father/brother get togethers" while I sit at home eating PB&honey with the kids. Really I try not to be petty, but I'll admit this one thing has gotten under my skin quite a few times over the years. I think it must be because I love food and talking so much-- which is what "going to lunch" entails.

12:30 p.m. couldn't come fast enough as I tried to finish up laundry and make lunch for the kids and get Colt ready for preschool and Savvy and Flint down for naps so Jon could work from home while I was gone without interruption. . . . perfectly planned! So of course that isn't how things worked out. In the middle of trying to make lunch our mortgage company called; my heart sunk. These are never enjoyable calls, but I had been expecting a call. We have been in the process of trying to get a loan modification done. We had a forbearance agreement with Chase that ended on December 23, 2009. This enabled us to make drastically reduced mortgage payments while hoping that our income would improve and then we could qualify for a modification. On Dec. 29, 2009 we did a over the phone reevaluation and the Chase representative explained that we still did not make enough to qualify but it would take about 60 days until someone would be assigned our case and then at that time the underwriter would request updated information about our finances (in the hopes that we would then be bringing in enough money)and work on the modification from there. So when the caller i.d. told me Chase Bank was calling that was what I figured it was about. I didn't have time to deal with it at that moment while trying to feed kids and get them asleep so I could leave, but it iwas a little too important not to so I picked up.

The nightmare began. "No, you are in collections. No, the record indicates that you do not qualify. No, you need to proceed with a short sale or a foreclosure. I'm sorry I can transfer you to another Department." Three transfers to different departments and one disconnection and call back later I discovered that the representative on Dec. 29th didn't do what she said, and we had been kicked out of the homeowners assistance program and were in collections ready to start foreclosure!

Sick. My worst nightmare in broad daylight! So many thoughts swirled through my mind. All the things that have been weighing on me over the past 18 months. I don't want to move. I don't want to leave the house that has my kitchen painted just the way I want it. Jon did it for my birthday two years ago. The place where I have brought home my last two babies. The only nursery that ever got decorated, one time out of six kids. (I couldn't even redecorate when I had a new baby boy to bring home. He still sleeps in a beautiful purple room). The Christmases and the Birthdays and all the holidays that have been celebrated within these walls. The feelings of loss and failure. The pictures hanging on the walls claiming this home to be ours. The ceiling fans that we finally have hung in most of the rooms. The basketball court in the backyard(It somehow made up for the one my Dad had always promised me growing up, but never materialized. The one Josie used to brag to all of her classmates about when they were telling her about the swimming pools being dug in their backyards). The apricot tree we planted in the front yard along with rose bushes and pomegranate tree and lemon tree. The unfinished planters in the backyard for our future garden. The hopes and dreams for future days and events that are supposed to be spent, here, on our street, in our neighborhood with all the people we love.

I was feeling a little emotional--o.k. I was crying when Jon walked in and I began to tell him all that I had just learned. With calm grace, he just said, "We don't need to worry about the future and things we can't control. It will work out the way that it should, the way that is best for us." Even as he said it, I knew the truth of it in my heart, but my head wouldn't shut up.

"Knock Knock knock" and in walks a tender mercy from the Lord. Mom didn't have a clue what had just happened. When she called out of the blue this morning, she definitely didn't know that this news would be dropped today. God knew. He didn't take away my burden, but he definitely eased it that I could bear it. Mom and I went to lunch at Pei Wei and I finally got to try the "spicy chicken salad" that so many of my running buddies talk about. It was delicious. We talked and we laughed and I got to eat uninterrupted. Afterward we browsed the book store and mom kindly bought me a book at her insistance. It was a wonderful afternoon. The weather was perfect. The sun was shining. The future looked bright even with some heavy dark days looming over my head in the near future. I can't say that I didn't think about it while we were out. I did. I did, in between bites of salad and shifts in conversation. I thought about it in peices, never with the whole weight bearing down. I could feel my mother-in-law's love for me, and more importantly I could feel God's love for me. I felt him say, "I knew today would be tough. I hope this helps." It did.

We won't be out on the street tomorrow. We still have time, and I still have hope that are income can change and that a modification can be done. If not I hope I can remember that a house doesn't make a home. If we must leave this house, the paint and plants and every "thing" will be left behind, but we can take the "home" we have created!

Can my friends kindly remind me of this in the coming months? I'm sure I will have many emotional days about this subject in my future.


Lynette said...

Oh Rachelle! I am so sorry. I have been so hopeful that the modification would work. It just hadd to. Like you said, you will make a home wherever you go. You are the strongest person I know and will make the best of whatever situation the Lord places you in.

***so it needs alot of work...but the house next to us is bankowned and for sale--that's why the were arresting the neighbors, they were so supposed to be out 10 months ago and are trespassing. hahahaha. Anyway, our dreams of living on the same street would finally be! Ha!

Norris Fam said...

Coming from someone who has lived in a lot of different houses (and been attached to some more than others) believe me when I say it's the stuff in the house that creates those memories. Coming to Vegas and leaving my pretty little house in Idaho was tough...but it was harder for me than the kids. They still have their beds and their blankies and their toys. We have the same couches and tv, we have the same clothes and dishes and we even still pretty much go about our day in the same way...just in a different space. We'll be on the lookout for houses to rent in our area still (don't listen to Lynette :). Don't you worry...things will work out! And keep in mind, you can always move in with us (we're almost never home)!

i said...

So many are going through this and it makes my heart heavy. I'm so sorry. What a blessing for you have such a supportive husband and that little blessing amidst the trial. Thanks for sharing your feelings about your situation.

Kim said...

Way to see the silver lining. Inspired me to feel happy that my tooth ache was from a sinus infection and not in need of a root canal.

You're right. Tender mercies :-)

The Matlocks said...

I am so sorry :( You really are a strong woman, with a strong husband :) You guys will make it through!! We'll be praying!

Ramona said...

I have no way of knowing what your future will hold, but I do know that the Lord always has the best plan for us. I talk about the cottage analogy often, by C.S. Lewis and it is what gets me through.

I still remember the pain of leaving our house behind that I loved soooo much in Henderson. We had been there 4 months, and I'd even give birth to my third daughter in that house. I still have a difficult time thinking about all that we had there, the friends, the ward, the plans, without feeling a twinge of sadness. However, I knew at the time, selling when we did was what we had to do so John could go to law school. I can honestly say that looking back now, He did have the better plan for me, and we are now where we should be. I still don't let myself get truly attached to this house-it hurts too much, but I have learned that in all our adventures, new wards, new friends, lonely, lonely days of starting over, I have found a lot of joy and a lot of peace!

No matter what happens, it will be for the best, and in the end, you are and will continue to be the palace that God has in mind for you!

Ramona said...

meant to say 4 years, in the comment above, but I couldn't edit it! LOL!


Rachelle, never say die! I know it's seems like the disappointments never stop coming but I really feel that Heavenly Father will open a way that you will be able to keep your home. It's not a lot to ask and he knows the righteous desires of your heart. We are told we will not be given more than we can bear, but I think you're at your breaking point. You are always in our prayers. We love you guys!

Emily said...

Hey Rachelle
If I've learned anything this last year is that your house is Just a House! Your home is where ever your family is! We made the very difficult choice of giving up our house in August. Now we live where we can actually afford our payments and save some money and we are much happier for it! It was the best decision we ever made. I'm not saying you'll have to loose your house, but if it were to come to that you will be just fine and soon realize there could be much worse things in life. I do know how your feeling right now, but like you said the lord will watch over you and your family!

Amy Joy said...

Oh, you are a sweet lady. I can't read your blog without commenting. My heart aches for you. It is wonderful your husband can help give you peace. It is also wonderful that you have faith and know that you will carry on. You have your family, beautiful may I add, and not let destroying forces take what is important.

Krista said...

Hey there! I followed the auction for Bishop Abbott. My husband and I were in the singles ward when he was bishop. I just had to tell you our experience with lowering our mortgage. We went through NACA and they negotiate with the banks for you and get it done. And you don't have to make 'enough' money. They work for people that have had a decrease like you and need their mortgage lowered so they can afford a better payment. It doesn't change your loan either. All they do is lower your interest rate. Ours is getting lowered to 3% so we have a payment we can afford. It's worth a try. You have to go to a seminar first and then they make an appt for you and you tell them why you need your payment lowered. If you have any questions, you can e-mail me at
I couldn't go to bed without telling you this. I hope it helps!

chanel said...

i hope you know how incredible you are, how blessed with a deep knowledge of God's love for you and His awareness of you, and that your and Jonathan's strength will get you through all this. I can only imagine the heartache and worries and CRAP you are feeling, but your ability to see light and mercy amongst it all is truly and gift. this too shall pass, and you are right- whatever roof covers your head will be a home and special wonderful FUN loving home at that, just like the one you've created now. HOPEFULLY you'll be able to stay put, we know God can do all things- keep praying!!!! we are.
much love.

Marylin said...

Oh I wish we could talk! I have been there not that long ago! My husband worked in Vegas in the Civil Engineering field when one day he called to tell me he had been laid off! Our condo, which was our first home, the place I watched my children play in for 4 years had to be let go and the city I called home for over 25 had to be let go too! Of course that was all over a period of time and not in one day, sheesh can you imagine? Along the way there were mercies, oh the mercies that we were blessed with, but also heartache, worry and stress! We have now been living in CO for nearly 9 months and I KNOW with all my heart that this is where we are supposed to be. When you are in the midst of these trials they don't feel good, but what a blessing to have a little lift of your burden from the Lord through your Mother in law. Know that my thoughts are with you guys, my prayers also. I also want to tell you that the amazing generosity you have shown Garth through your hard work with the auction only attests to the wonderful women you are! Things will work out. All my love

Leslie said...

Rachelle, we recently went to an informational meeting Mike Fairchild in the Laurel Hills ward set up with Bob Massi (local attorney and FoxNews legal analyst) and Christy from the Consumer Advocacy Group to learn about options for homeowners. We only wanted an interest rate reduction, thankfully aren't in danger of losing our home, and even we can qualify for a private program of the bank's. Those in distress have other options. CAG negotiates with the banks and knows who to contact and what to do. A lot of people from the Laurel Hills Ward went and I know several are working with the Consumer Advocacy Group (as are we). You can contact them at (702) 478-5369 to get an appointment to see what they can do for you.

Good luck,
Leslie Wiley

MelTheo said...

I wish I had some great advice for you, but I don't. And you have already reaped the support and love of so many. You are truly amazing and we all love you.

I will say this, I love reading your blog for many reasons, one of which is seeing little insights into your big, strong husband that I would otherwise never see.

He, like you, is wise and strong in so many ways. Good for you that you can lean on each other, and I'm sure that you two will emerge even stronger and closer than before.

Hang in there. Abbotts can do hard things!