Tuesday, February 9, 2010

joy in giving

TWO "WOSAS" (Rosas)

Josie and Grandma spent Saturday afternoon making a "Rosa" for Savanna (and repairing Josie's Rosa's eyes). Coming home that evening Josie was bubbly and excited. She couldn't wait for the next morning when Savvy's birthday would dawn and she could bestow her gift. She has talked about this doll she was going to make Savanna for almost a year now. Anticipation was had her up early Sunday morning! She was extra helpful in getting heself ready for church so that Savvy could open her presents. When the moment came, I don't know who was more excited Josie or Savvy.

Judge for yourself!

Observed through my daughters, I am reminded again about the joy of giving. There is nothing better than finding the perfect gift to give to someone you love.
I think one of the best gifts I have ever surprised my husband with was Father's Day after our first son was born. Jon loves guns. I don't know much about guns and quite honestly, I am a little bit afraid of them; however, I wanted to get him "the perfect gift". I had to go way beyond my comfort zone and go explore gun shops. Once I found what I thought I wanted or rather what I thought my husband wanted, I had my father-in-law come down and confirm that it was a good deal and what my husband wanted. I will never forget how long it took for Sunday to come. Jon is hard to surprise. He is eternally optimistic and is always "hoping" for wonderful things. In fact it is one of his many qualities that I love so much. It does complicate birthdays and Christmas and other holidays because his hopes and dreams always seem to exceed what I actually do or give. I tend to be a little bit under dramatic, very conservative and practical to a fault. The gun gift was one of the few times in our marriage that I blew him away with a present. He reminded me of a little kid on Christmas morning, cheshire cat grin, hands clasped under his chin, and eyes dancing with excitement.
What "perfect gift" have you given?


Norris Fam said...

Did you ever read the Little House on the Prairie Books? Rosa reminds me of Laura's Charlotte doll! What a fun memory for your two girls to share :)

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet. I have yet to help my children enjoy the whole gift giving process. I also have yet to give my husband the perfect gift. The problem is he rarely shows emotion with gifts. I once put one of his own drawings on a t-shirt. He didn't excited but he wore it a lot...so that would be a good indication. I think El Jefe's dad was actually more excited about it than El Jefe was....

Sadie said...

Those are both such sweet stories... Sisters are so much fun to have. This actually makes me want to think really hard and get "the perfect" gift for all my family this year. Thanks!

MelTheo said...

What a great big sister! I have a sister like that - she will just send me little things in the mail now and then; just because. Like little notepads and fun pens.

(What does it say about me that I get excited about school supplies? Strange.)

Hmmm- the perfect gift. My mom loves lighthouses, and I wrote a poem for her one year and printed it on lighthouse paper. I don't know how "perfect" it was, but she cried. And framed it. A pretty good response in my book...

Brittany said...

Those pictures of Josie and Savvy are priceless. They are both so excited! Loved this post.