Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Time's up! Christmas is hours away and I didn't get all of the goodies baked and delivered that I had hoped to and all of the cards sent to everyone I love. I didn't even write a Christmas letter. I still have many more good intentions that never got done. My sincere apology to anyone who wanted a Christmas card and didn't get one. . . . I would promise to do better next year, but I don't make promises that I can't keep. The truth is every year I feel like I could have/should have done more to make Christmas "more special and meaningful".

Looking beyond all that I didn't do, I am grateful for all that I did. Grateful for the Christmas songs sung, the decorations hung, the tokens of love and affection exchanged, and the moments spent with those I love.

Gratitude spills from my heart as I sit and reflect on the blessings in my life. First and foremost is the love of my Savior and a Heavenly Father who knows me and loves me. The love I feel for my family and from my family is the most priceless thing I can think of. The generosity of people who are selfless and bless the lives of my children, my husband, and myself. Friends who make life a little brighter and lighter. Indoor plumbing and modern conveniences, and orange rolls, and hugs and kisses, and good books, and sunlight, and mountains, and hot cocoa makers, and gloves on cold mornings, and a compliment or word of encouragement, and second chances, and new days and surprises. . . . .

I hope everyone has the Merriest Christmas of their life tomorrow! I am learning that inspite of whatever burden or sorrow we are experiencing there are always bright spots along the way. We learned today that my Father-in-law has a battle against IBC (inflammitory breast cancer) that he has to fight. A sad and dark day for our family, but sitting around the table feasting together this evening was a sweet expereince followed by talking and laughting and Christmas carrols until 10:00p.m. How blessed we are to have these moments that I will always treasure. Life is good; I am grateful for every minute that I have.


* said...

I love your family Christmas card! Who is your photographer? And you are so skinny!! You look great! :)

It was great seeing you @ the park today, even if for a short time.

PS: I just found out about Garth earlier today. He is in our thoughts & prayers!

Rachelle said...

It was great seeing you and your sisters and everyone else yesterdat. Thanks for the compliment! It has been a process. . . . but worth every early morning workout and bite of goodies that I've done without. The picture was actually taken with my camera by my sister in my home town after Thanksgiving.