So here is Dad in his bald glory. Monday, last week, Dad called right at nap time and asked if Savanna was up or already asleep. She wasn't asleep yet so he drove out to see her. He hadn't seen her the day before on her birthday. I think having to stay away from his grandchildren is one of the hardest parts about chemo for Dad. He has always been a doting grandpa.
I remember way back when Josie was born; it was his second grandchild, but the first that lived in Las Vegas. Not only did we live in Las Vegas, but a hundred yards from his front gate was Grandma's basement apartment where Jon and I lived the first 3 1/2 years of our marriage. Everyday after Josie was born we were guaranteed a daily visit. Often he would stop by on his way home from work before he even went home. I always enjoyed his visits. That continued all the way until Josie was almost two and we bought our first house. . . .a mile down the road. Even then most days guaranteed a visit. He came to the hospital to greet each of our six kids when they were born. Even now that we are a little further away out here in Henderson, he often drives out just to get a "kid fix". At family gatherings he is always asking to hold the babies and toddlers and thoroughly enjoys them until they are poopy or fussy and then he is happy to pass that one off and hold another. With 18 grand kids, one is always available.
It has been hard on him to keep his distance from the kids since he has started chemotherapy. With chemo the immune system is compromised, and we don't want to risk exposing him to illness. Unfortunately my kids have had plenty of that lately and are missing Grandpa. Last Monday he couldn't help himself. He wanted to see Savanna, so at his request, I let her get out of bed to wait downstairs for Grandpa to come. He walked in bearing gifts-- M&M's for the kids-- and Savanna ran right to him. He took off his hat and she saw his bald head for the first time. She hesitated a moment just staring at him and then ran and gave him a "hug abyss" (see earlier post if you don't know what that is.) Grandpa came equipped with Clorox wipes, and I had sanitized her before he got there. It was a sweet moment to see the joy on both of their faces. I hope is around for a long time. Not just because Jon and I enjoy his company and counsel, but because my kids love him so much!
I remember way back when Josie was born; it was his second grandchild, but the first that lived in Las Vegas. Not only did we live in Las Vegas, but a hundred yards from his front gate was Grandma's basement apartment where Jon and I lived the first 3 1/2 years of our marriage. Everyday after Josie was born we were guaranteed a daily visit. Often he would stop by on his way home from work before he even went home. I always enjoyed his visits. That continued all the way until Josie was almost two and we bought our first house. . . .a mile down the road. Even then most days guaranteed a visit. He came to the hospital to greet each of our six kids when they were born. Even now that we are a little further away out here in Henderson, he often drives out just to get a "kid fix". At family gatherings he is always asking to hold the babies and toddlers and thoroughly enjoys them until they are poopy or fussy and then he is happy to pass that one off and hold another. With 18 grand kids, one is always available.
It has been hard on him to keep his distance from the kids since he has started chemotherapy. With chemo the immune system is compromised, and we don't want to risk exposing him to illness. Unfortunately my kids have had plenty of that lately and are missing Grandpa. Last Monday he couldn't help himself. He wanted to see Savanna, so at his request, I let her get out of bed to wait downstairs for Grandpa to come. He walked in bearing gifts-- M&M's for the kids-- and Savanna ran right to him. He took off his hat and she saw his bald head for the first time. She hesitated a moment just staring at him and then ran and gave him a "hug abyss" (see earlier post if you don't know what that is.) Grandpa came equipped with Clorox wipes, and I had sanitized her before he got there. It was a sweet moment to see the joy on both of their faces. I hope is around for a long time. Not just because Jon and I enjoy his company and counsel, but because my kids love him so much!
I love that, "Hug abyss"!!
Garth looks good bald. I think men pull that off much better than women, you know? :)
PS: M&Ms are a big hit in our home and w/the Halls, too.
PPS: Happy Valentine's day!
sooooo sweet!! your kids are VERY lucky to have such a wonderful loving grandpa!!!! and the baldness works with him- he looks great!
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