Thursday, February 11, 2010

dark day. . . .and today was finally sunny

I'll probably regret writing this in the morning, but that is still a few hours away and right now, I just need to unload my thoughts and feelings.

Today was a dark day. I started with great hopes at finding some answers and help for my sick baby.

Flint has been struggling with ear infections and now sinus infections for a year now. Last June we had tubes put in his ears and his adenoids removed. After the surgery we still had a faucet nose and the ENT suggested that we look into allergy testing. . . . . We never did.

I know that maybe that makes me a bad parent. I am feeling that way even more as things have gotten worse for him. Today culminated in the lowest moment of my life standing in a doctor's office being denied help because they wouldn't take medicaid. (Didn't anyone think to tell me that before I filled out 16 pages of medical history?) Worse yet when I asked if I could do cash pay I was informed that the doctor wouldn't see him unless Flint had a contracted insurance. I barely made it to my car before the dam burst.

As I sat there sobbing with my baby staring at me in bewilderment all I could think was, "How did I end up here? How is this my life?"

The answer is simple: one day at a time!

This chapter in my life story really begins a couple of months after Flint was born. In Sept. 2008 September 11th to be exact. My husband's engineering company called him in after many previous layoffs to inform him that they were cutting his salary in half. Not a typo-- half. From that moment on we began weighing options and seeking opportunities. After looking at the job market for civil engineering we saw that hope was bleak, nonexistent. Nonetheless he started sending out his resume. He even considered learning pest control and doing that to supplement. I was way less than enthusiastic! By the end of October my husband was jobless, but with much fasting and prayer we felt that the best thing to do was start our own Engineering Company. Battle Born Engineering was born! We cashed out our 401K (remember what the stock market was like in the Fall of '08? Yeah we took a serious hit, but it was, we felt, the best option). With hope and excitement we pushed forward each day. By May all of our savings were gone and "Abbott Pest Control" was born. We feel great promise in the future for both of these businesses, but right now in the present, they haven't been covering the bills. By September there was absolutely no money left and we could no longer pay the premiums for the health insurance policy that we had taken out when Jon lost his job. It was a long slide down the mountain until we found ourselves in a miserable pit with not many options (unless we wanted to move to another state which we don't). This lead to the second hardest day of my life. . . .filing for medicaid and food stamps. Even now, typing this and seeing those words bring a sick, constricting knot to my throat. Words like "welfare" and "food stamps" and "medicaid" didn't apply to me. See, I work hard, I've always worked hard, and I'm educated and I am fiscally responsible and. . . . the reasons just stacked up, but reality stacked up higher. We were responsible for six children and they deserved better than my pride or my husband's pride. I waited my turn in the welfare line. I bore every judgement I had ever passed on the subject and every judgement that I had ever heard passed on the subject by anyone I had ever heard in my life time. It weighed heavy. Breathing became a chore, a mental effort. After I filled out the application, I signed my name and looked at my phone for the date, September 11th--coincidence? irony? poetic justice?

After submitting financial records and bank statement we were immediately issued an "ebit card" much like a debit card, only it can only be used to buy food, and it is paid for by all the hard working people in their weekly paycheck deductions. A hard pill to swallow and yet it put food on my table and food in my children's tummies and no longer was I obsessing about how to make a meal stretch or why do the kid's teachers' always need snack donations and why do they need to have a school party and why do I begrudge the spilled cup of milk on the floor?

Medicaid took longer to approve but finally in November the kids were covered. I took Flint into the doctor because he still had his constant running nose and wasn't sleeping well. The doctor prescribed Singulair (allergy medicine). By December things definitely seemed worse but it was such a busy time and every day I hoped he would be better. By the 26th of December he had a golf ball hanging out the right side of his neck. We took him to urgent care. He was diagnosed with a lymphatic infection and a sinus infection. They gave him a shot of Rocephin and 14 days of Omnicef. Which of course puts us in the middle of January (the heart of the auction, a preoccupied mother who hopes every day he will be better--and some days he seemed to be, but the glands remained swollen and he still had a green nose.) So By the end of January we took him back to the doctor and he was given Augmentin and they sent him for blood tests to rule out Lymphoma--which they did. At the end of that, he still wasn't better and now had an ear infection on top of the sinus infection so he has been given Rocephin shots everyday this week-gotta love taking a sick toddler to the "sick waiting room" -- while waiting to get into a allergist/immunologist. We finally had the appointment for 9:00 a.m. this morning which takes me back to where I began: the parking lot of the immunologist crying wondering how this could be happening??

I don't know why I am posting this information except that maybe in the hope of explaining to the world . . . .o.k. maybe just myself how I could be in this situation. I know that we are not the first people to struggle financially (the four hour wait with three impatient children in the welfare line was proof of that). I know that everyone has personal struggles and trials. I'm sure that some who will read this might have a million judgements and suggestions and might even feel that we have handled our resources and options poorly. Maybe we have. Maybe we should have sought work out of state sooner. Maybe we should have not had six kids. Maybe we should have had more savings. Maybe we should have. . . . .insert your own judgement here. I don't claim to have all the answers. In fact with each passing day I find more questions than answers.

The one thing I do know is that my heart broke today with a sick baby whose pediatrician doesn't know why the antibiotics aren't working, a specialist who can't see him without contracted insurance, and a mom and dad who despite their personal best efforts aren't doing enough to help him. At first I was angry. Angry at the doctor. Angry at the pediatrician's office staff making the appointment when they knew he had medicaid, angry at lost jobs, angry at no more savings, angry that my husband chose to be a civil engineer--couldn't he have chosen a more profitable profession? angry that I chose to stay home and raise my children and no longer was teaching with health benefits, angry that my baby was sick, ANGRY!!!! The anger soon melted away and was replaced with deep sorrow. Sorrow that I can't fix EVERYTHING!

My baby is still sick. We still don't have any answers. We still are waiting to have an appointment with an immunologist who will take medicaid. We still haven't solved our personal financial problems, but I have hope that the dawning of a new day tomorrow can bring hope and answers and help.

P.S. I did learn one important lesson today. Don't cry while talking on a cell phone. The tears got inside my phone and ruined it. (I almost see the humor in this. I'll probably even laugh about it tomorrow).


* said...

Oh, Rachelle, I'm sorry it's been pouring down craziness (in more ways than one).

I love you. I hope your baby gets better, and financial problems ease up, and that your cel phone is OK. Thanks for the heads up on tears ruining cel phones. I'm such a crier, it's good to know about such things.

PS: There are some lovely homes in our ward & neighborhood for rent or purchase. Nudge, nudge...I would love my kids to grow up down the street from the Abbotts, just as I did, too.

chanel said...

it feels so good to get it out, doesn't it! i am so sorry for you guys. life certainly is not fair and it NEVER is easy. but you hang in there- things WILL get better, they always do. I am so sorry for Flint, poor babe. Don't be hard on yourself though, he has AWESOME parents that are doing EVERYTHING in their power to make him better. You will all be in our prayers!!!
I reallt think this is a refining time for people (we are not exempt!) and in the long run we are going to come out of this better people- more sanctified.
being a Democrat I think the welfare issues aren't such a big deal to me, those programs are there specifically for HARDWORKING people, not everyone is abusing the system, and the it is a blessing to live in a country that can provide for it's people when they need it, NO JUDGMENTS given. Don't feel the least bit bad about it, it won't be forever, and you can now give to those dang teachers that need snacks- ugh! ;)
You are an incredible person, please know that! all my love...

The Matlocks said...

I love reading your blog because you are so honest and sincere!! I'm sorry for all the trials, but you are so strong :) I hope little Flint gets feeling better and I know that both your business will succeed.


Kim said...

I've been sitting here feeling sorry for myself for some very trivial problems in my life-- thanks for the perspective. We had an interesting quote read to us in church yesterday-- the gist of it was that Heavenly Father doesn't let us into situations that we aren't capable of handling with His help. No matter how dark things seem right now, know that you are strong enough for whatever you are going through. (After reading about it, I think that you must be a superhero!)

Good luck, my friend. I am praying for you, your sick baby and your family.

Karen said...

Oh Rachelle, you are way too hard on yourself. You are doing the very best you can. The Lord is watching over you and your family. Your faith will keep you strong. I hope you find a way to help your baby. "This too shall pass."

Norris Fam said...

Hopefully tomorrow will bring a kind and loving who will help you find some answers for your sweet, smiley, curly headed little sweetie! I'm crossing my fingers...

Danielle said...

I hope that the sun shines on your family soon. I completely understand your frustration with medicaid and everything that goes with it. The only way I can get ok with accepting help is realizing that we will soon (hopefully) repay everything that we recieved. You have an amazing family and I pray for the best for you guys.

Kathy said...

Oh Rachelle, reading this brought back so many memories. I only know you through the auction, but have been following your blog since then. We went through the whole unemployment, Medicaid, thing 16 years ago. At the time we went through it I was pregnant with twins. I know exactly what you're talking about. I even felt guilty for being pregnant. Just take one day at a time. You'll get through it. I pray you'll get some answers for your sweet baby.

Unknown said...

Bless your heart Rachelle. There is a talk by Elder Wirthlin that talks about the "Law of Compensation" and I really believe that for every tear we shed in sorrow it will be surpassed by tears of joy eventually. Hang in there girl, you WILL survive this. You are a strong woman and a good woman - your kids will be blessed because of the strength of you and your husband. I also believe that the programs our country has in place such as Medicaid/Food Assistance etc...are there specifically for times such as these. Think about how much money you and your husband have each paid in taxes in your lives? (Not to mention your parents/family)Is it too much to ask for a little help when things are rough and you are trying to get back on your feet? There are so many families that are hurting right now and it has nothing to do with education, former employment, 401 K's or spiraling savings accounts. It's an economic downturn and it affects so many of us - but that's the great thing about having faith and hope...knowing that things will get better. I believe things will get better for you and your wonderful family. :)

Unknown said...

(My post is showing up under my hubbies name for some reason! Sorry if you think I'm a strange stalker it's me, Dianna Walker.)