Wednesday, January 13, 2010

item #156

Service to Auction: An initial dental examine with x-rays, including a basic cleaning (prophy) (This is a $187 value)

Dr. Trent Gubler DDS
2430 E Harmon at Eastern
(702) 796-0095

comment to bid


jaanderson family said...

Hey! this is amanda anderson and i would love to donate. how do i do it on your blog?

Jamie said...

Rachelle funny story I was scrolling through your items for bid with Broc looking over my shoulder. Meanwhile he is aking me questions what are you doing, what is this auction for, etc etc, and suddenly he says wait someone is selling their kids? NO way some one is selling their kids? finally I realize he thinks your kids who appear on the side of the auction items are for sale... Anyway hope all is well.

Rachelle said...

Just send me an email to and include info and picture about whatever you are donating-Thanks

That is way too funny. . . somedays I feel like paying someone to take my kids-j/k

Karen said...

I bid $50